Blue Pen’s Flyover Kid’s Educational Sessions Last Sunday

Friends, while weather of Delhi NCR becoming gradually warmer, we could see more number of kids coming out to and take weekly education classes. This time, Team Blue Pen volunteers tried to touch varied subjects ranging from educating kids about traffic rules (as two flyover kids met with accident near IIT flyover) to introduction to electoral process of India (in view of General Elections round the corner)

Ms Kavita Chaudhary,Volunteer (Coordinator-IIT-Safdarjung line) tells, “We started our energetic day from IIT flyover, where Gagan taught traffic rules to kids, it is very important for them to be aware of when to cross the road as quite a few of them have met with accident in recent past. We told them about red light, Yellow light and Green light and protocols of crossing the road.”

She further adds. “Later, we moved to our next center Safdarjung where we taught as per our normal schedule of teaching , every students here seem to become more and more active than previous sessions and that great thing that they all want to become something in their life. Later on, cloth distriburtion was done by our Volunteers and same was followed by sangam vihar where we have conducted aa small game of learning in which new and effective method were opt to learn Tables more easily.”

Mr Saurabh, Volunteer (Coordinator Munirka-Nizamuddin) shares, “We started our session again with winter morning blues with mild cold breeze.At munirika flyover, rahul and Prashant together actively taught various topics like maths,fruits name and hindi poem to kids.At munirika slum ragini taught English maths to kids and i taught mathematics while mata ji taught alphabet to kids.”

He further adds, “At nizamudin flyover, rahul taught hindi poems grammar and played games with kids. At Nizamuddin rein basera, we divided kids according to their classes. Mata ji had taken test of kids on alphabets and result was good while ragini taught maths and hindi to kids.
At okhla, rahul handled the class. Firstly he took test of class 7&8 after he put up the general knowledge questions to elder’s classes.At Tughlakabad, mata ji divided the kids. according to their classes. Ragoni had taken test of class 4-8 and mata ji taught maths and hindi for kids of 1-3 class”

Mr Shivansh, Young Volunteer, mentions ,”We told them about importance of election in our day to day life and legal Rights of election as an Indian citizen and told them how to fill up a form of election commission…I hope this kind of training will build confidence in them.”

A. WHAT WE DO? :- Our objective is to impart to Kids/Women of Flyover/Slums, following modules:-
* Regular Teaching sessions, with special focus on females (on lines of “Beti Padhao-Beti Bachao Abhiyaan”)
* Teaching Cleanliness & Personal Hygiene (on lines of “Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Nutritious Food (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Skill development (Ex. Cycle/mobile/auto
repair etc) (on lines of “Kushal Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Regular Medical Checkups (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Teaching Electronic Gadgets (on lines of “Digital Connect India Program”)

B. OUR SCHEDULE:- Every Sunday, our timetable is:

*930-1030AM : Munirka-I, Munirka-II, & IIT flyover, and Noida (all parallel sessions)

*11-12PM: Safdarjung-I, Safadarjung-II, Nizamuddin Park, Nizamuddin Flyover and Okhla sessions (parallel sessions)

*12:30-1PM: lunch of volunteers at near GK & Okhla

*2-4PM: “Extended” sessions at Prajapati mohalla, Tughlaqabad village & Sangam vihar and Faridabad (all parallel sessions)

(For exact Google locations of sites, pls visit our website )


(All Donors to Blue Pen Charitable Trust are entitled to Claim rebate from Income Tax vide U/Section 80 G of the I.T Act.,1961)