Blue Pen’s slum kid Sheetal ( LKG) student reciting counting at Morna Center, today 29.12.24
Christmas dance by Blue Pen’s slum kids with santa at nithari centre
Blue Pen’s kid, Garima class 6th as a Santa Claus, dancing with slum kids of SangamVihar,on 22.12.24
Team Blue Pen’s Saurav dancing as Santa clause with slum kids of Okhla phase-1, today 22.12.24
Video of Christmas celebrations with slum kids at Vasant Vihar, by Team Blue Pen, today 22nd Dec,24
Blue pen’s vol Shiv teaching English to 4th grade kids in okhla ph-1 slum today, on 8th Dec, Nov’24.
Blue pen’s vol Rimjhim teaching maths (Fraction) to 5th gr slum kids@okhla-1 slum today, on 8.12.24
Blue pen’s Sourav teaching maths (BODMAS) to 5th gr slum kids in Vasant Vihar today, on 8.11.24
Blue pen’s Sourav teaching maths (area & perimeter) to 5th grade slum kids in okhla ph-1, on 1.12.24
Blue pen’s Sourav sharma teaching maths (squares) to Class 5th kids@Vasant Vihar slum today, 1.12.24
Blue pen’s VolDitya teaching english (idioms) to 5th grade slum kids@Vasant Vihar today,17.11.24
Blue Pen’s Vol Ditya Sarkar teaching English grammar(verb) to 5th grade slum kids in Okhla-1 today
Blue pen’s Vol Shiv teaching English alphabets to 1st grade slum kids in Vasant Vihar today,13.10.24
Blue pen’s Vol Ditya Sarkar teaching English grammar to 4th gr slum kids@Vasant Vihar today 13.10.24
8 October 2024