Blue Pen’s Flyover Kid’s Educational Sessions Last Sunday 10th Feb, 2019

Friends, as weather of Delhi-NCR region gets warmer by every passing day, it is heartening to see numbers of kids attending our education classes, growing up significantly. Last Sunday, Blue Pen celebrated Vasant Panchami festival at all centres. Kids were told about importance of this day as well as Goddess Sarswati.Prayers were followed by a divine rendition of Shlokas, celebrating the harvest season of the Hindu festival.

Mr Shivam, Volunteer-Coordinator (Noida-Okhla-Faridabad) shares, “As it was a bit warmer this time, kids seemed to be very happy and came with fresh mind. We always try to interact with them firstly so as to update us too what they do at home, how all going in their lifes, what problem they face and teach them how to handle these situations and later go for teaching sessions. Today we conducted surprise test for all the classes because tests are also very important then only we come to know if they are learning or not else we come teach and go only. This will develop sincerity among them too.”

Mr Shivam further adds “At Okhla, Deepak taught conversion of Rs into Paise, Km into met and cm and how they are used in our daily lives. We made a new plan to get sign their respective notebooks by their parents also atleast they should also know what their kids are doing.At Faridabad, we celebrated Basant Panchmi even kids there made a beautiful art of Goddess Sarswati using paper and colors only.”

Mr Saurabh,Volunteer-Coordinator (Munirka-Nizamuddin line) discusses, “Basant Panchami, also known as Vasant Panchami, is celebrated in reverence to the Hindu deity Goddess Saraswati, epitome of learning , music & art. People celebrate this day by visiting temples, flying kites, and donating to the needy. To celebrate this festival, the students of the Blue Pen NGO, Munirka held a Special Assembly. Prayer, pledge, school vision & mission were followed by a divine rendition of Shlokas, celebrating the harvest season of the Hindu festival. The spring of joy took over when a prayer ceremony worshipping Goddess Saraswati was led by offerings of spring flowers by all the students & volunteers of the NGO and distribution of Prasad amongst all.”

Mr Saurabh further adds,”Our Chairman of the Blue pen Dr. Manorma Khanna motivated the students to be progressive learners, setting big goals and putting dedicated efforts as a promising & flourishing human harvest.”

Ms Kavita Chaudhary, Volunteer-Coordinator (IIT-Safdarjung line) shares,”We started our energetic day from IIT flyover we taught Hindi varnmala to kids which will help them in making sentance and reading the book, Further we moved to our next center Safdarjung where as per our schedule normal classes has been held with same enthusiasm. Also we told them about Bansant panchmi and Saraswati Puja, our two kids Riya and Rimmi recited poem on occasion of vasant panchmi. After lunch we moved to our last center Sangam vihar where regular classes were conducted.”

A. WHAT WE DO? :- Our objective is to impart to Kids/Women of Flyover/Slums, following modules:-
* Regular Teaching sessions, with special focus on females (on lines of “Beti Padhao-Beti Bachao Abhiyaan”)
* Teaching Cleanliness & Personal Hygiene (on lines of “Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Nutritious Food (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Skill development (Ex. Cycle/mobile/auto
repair etc) (on lines of “Kushal Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Regular Medical Checkups (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Teaching Electronic Gadgets (on lines of “Digital Connect India Program”)

B. OUR SCHEDULE:- Every Sunday, our timetable is:

*930-1030AM : Munirka-I, Munirka-II, & IIT flyover, and Noida (all parallel sessions)

*11-12PM: Safdarjung-I, Safadarjung-II, Nizamuddin Park, Nizamuddin Flyover and Okhla sessions (parallel sessions)

*12:30-1PM: lunch of volunteers at near GK & Okhla

*2-4PM: “Extended” sessions at Prajapati mohalla, Tughlaqabad village & Sangam vihar and Faridabad (all parallel sessions)

(For exact Google locations of sites, pls visit our website )


(All Donors to Blue Pen Charitable Trust are entitled to Claim rebate from Income Tax vide U/Section 80 G of the I.T Act.,1961)