Safdarjung Slum kids

Team Blue Pen volunteers organised Art event at IIT Flyover and behind Safdarjung hospital, giving children with the preguided opportunity to express themselves for which we provided coloring pages of animals prepared by our volunteer, Neha sharma.

Rubi (6 year old) and Vinod (4 year old) were the winner among all the drawings.

While discussing about event, Volunteer (Intern) Ms Neha sharma mentions, “The artistic side of children is beyond imagination. What we see as normal is different to a child. When we give the children with opportunity to express themselves, they come up with ways we can’t imagine as adults.”

Coordinator-Volunteer (IIT-Safdarjung line), Ms Kavita Chaudhary further expresses ” Sense of belongingness towards one’s work is also very important. Giving separate sheets to children were very encouraging for the children to participate in the activity. They not only enjoyed Colouring but we also got to see who all are interested in art and art related fields. Colouring pages not only provides a sense of how organised a child is in seeing things but also how differently (or creatively) a child sees the world around them. The children were appreciated for their efforts. It was nice to see how they transformed the blank pages into colourful art.”

(NOTE: Sharing our bi-weekly posts carious groups of Facebook/Whatsapp helps us identify more volunteers, and cover more slums)

A. WHAT WE DO? :- Our objective is to impart to Kids/Women of Flyover/Slums, following modules:-
* Regular Teaching sessions, with special focus on females (on lines of “Beti Padhao-Beti Bachao Abhiyaan”)
* Teaching Cleanliness & Personal Hygiene (on lines of “Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Nutritious Food (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Skill development (Ex. Cycle/mobile/auto repair etc) (on lines of “Kushal Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Regular Medical Checkups (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Teaching Electronic Gadgets (on lines of “Digital Connect India Program”)

B. OUR SCHEDULE:- Every Sunday, our timetable is:

*930-1030AM : Munirka-I, Munirka-II, Munirka-III & IIT flyover and Noida (all parallel sessions)

*11-12PM: Safdarjung-I, Safadarjung-II,
Nizamuddin I & II and Okhla sessions (parallel sessions)

*12:30-1PM: lunch of volunteers at near GK & Okhla

*2-4PM: “Extended” sessions at Prajapati mohalla, Tughlaqabad village & Sangam vihar and Faridabad (all parallel sessions)

(For exact Google locations of sites, pls visit our website )

(Note: We only accept Crossed Cheque/Draft/RTGS, only in name of “Blue Pen”..Home collection of Cheque facility available..Please avoid Cash as Blue Pen believes in ‘Transparent-Cashless’ philosophy… visit ….Feel free to Ring up 9013130000 for any help)

C-1. VOLUNTEERING EVERY SUNDAY: Best way to contribute to this noble cause for these deprived kids/women, is to participate in our 1Hr teaching sessions at different Flyovers every Sunday.Every new volunteer enables us to cover 20 new slum kids.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-2. “MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM in name of your Beloved ones” (15000/Yr):- Our viewers can contact us to announce “Memorial Scholarship in memory of their own parents/Grand parents/beloved ones” for selected meritorious kid of Flyovers/Slums, which will be popularised by us on various media platforms as well as our Website.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-3. SPONSOR A FLYOVER (10,000/month):- This will cover cost of Food & Education of all kids of a particular Flyover for one month.Name of Donor will be flashed on our website as well as publicised on various social media platforms.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-4. SPONSOR-A-SLUM (20,000/Month):- This will cover cost of Food/Education of all kids at particular slum like Sangam Vihar/Tughlaqabad etc, whose no.of kids far more than flyover.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-5. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY OF YOUR BELOVED ONE WITH FLYOVER KIDS (Cost: Actual Receipt of McDonald+1000/-as Trust charges):- McDonald receipt shall be given to Donor. It is desirable that at least one member of Donor’s family is present during celebration with flyover kids.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-6. SHARE OLD BOOKS/TOYS/CLOTHES/BLANKETS WITH FLYOVER KIDS/WOMEN : Home collection facility available for NCR region. Contact us at 9013130000 for appropriate logistical support

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

C-7. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM:- It is for Students of all Levels of Academics. This Certificate will be important for International/Domestic Admissions/Jobs for youngsters, as it certifies their commitment towards Social Causes. This Two month Internship (Sundays only) also helps in connecting younger generation with ‘Real India.

Things you can do for Slum and Flyover Kids with Blue Pen

D. Visit us at or
Ring 09013130000 or click following links
1. for Sponsoring
2. for volunteering


(Note: Blue Pen is officially recognised Charitable trust by Government of India under Section 12A of Income Tax Act,1961 and all donors, both individual or Corporates, are eligible for Income Tax Exemption under Section 80G of Income Tax Act,1961)