Blue Pen Team’s latest education sessions at Delhi-NCR Flyovers/Slums

Dear friends, with tempratures of NCR Delhi shooting up like anythint, Blue Pen Volunteer conducted classes at various flyovers of Delhi, Noida and Faridabad. This time, lot many kids were quite excited for various reasons, as few got new admissions while others got promoted to higher classes.

Mr Amit Kumar, IFS, recently posted as Deputy Chief of Indian Embassy to USA, graced our sessions, along with his brilliant kid Aniruddha. It was heartening to see that they both got very much involved in teaching these young kids of IIT Flyover and Safdarjung slun. I welcome Amit ji and Aniruddha to Blue Pen family.

Kavita Chaudhary, Volunteer (Coordinator-IIT-Safdarjung Area) shares, “.We started our energetic day from IIT flyover where Mr Amit Kumar, Deputy Chief of Indian Embassy in USA cqme along with his son Anirudh. They both taught flyover kids in a very interesting way. It was good to see Kids were eager to learn from Anirudh. Further we moved to our next center Safdarjung where many kids got their report card, some of them got good percentage and rank in their class as well.”

Kavita further adds,”After lunch we moved to our next center Sangam vihar where kids also achieved good rank in their class We appreciated them, so this is how children are learning and achieving goods in acedmics, I would like to appreciate all our team members for this”
Shivam,Volunteer(Coordinator-Noida-Okhla-Faridabad) shares, “At Noida centre , We started with our regular teaching session. We taught multiplication to a girl named “Sonam”. She did her best in learning multiplication. Students were very happy as some of them have got admission in a nearby government school. But few of them denied by the school to get enrolled in school due to the absence of Aadhar card. Few children have scored good marks in their exams and promoted to higher classes. Result of some students is yet to be declare.”

Mr Shivam adds,”At Okhla centre, Students have got their report cards with them and most of them have scored good marks in the exam. A girl named “Mehak” has achieved 95% in final exams & came first in her class. According to the result of elder students we need to be more focused in mathematics and English.”

He further discusses,”At Faridabad too, students have showed their final result to us and many of them have achieved good marks in exam. All of them were very happy because they have been promoted to higher classes. All are waiting eagerly for their new books and new classes. We continued our teaching session. In the end elder children presented a play on the story of “Holika dehan”. They all performed very well and everyone applaud them.”

Mr Saurabh. Volunteer (Coordinator-Munirka-Nizamuddin) discusses,”We started our session again with full enthusiasm. Inpite of having less volunteers due to some reason, we always try to perform our level best and conduct all sessions sincerely. At munirka flyover, rahul basist taught basic mathematics with the help of prashant meena and ashis sir. Also prashant ji celebrated his birthday with flyovers kids. At munirka slum akash taught mathematics and science to kids. He also cheak their english vocabularies.”

He further adds,”At tugulakabad, first we separated students according to their classes. Rahul took Class 3&4 and taught hindi and english grammer. Manju taught science to elder kids. While Sneha taught mathematics to younger kids.Further we moved to our next centre Okhla phase -1, where as per our schedule, normal classes were held with full enthusiasm. Akash took class 5&6 and taught mathematics. While taught english to younger kids.”

Friends, Our objective is to impart to Kids/Women of Flyover/Slums, following modules:-
* Regular Teaching sessions, with special focus on females (on lines of “Beti Padhao-Beti Bachao Abhiyaan”)
* Teaching Cleanliness & Personal Hygiene (on lines of “Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Nutritious Food (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Skill development (Ex. Cycle/mobile/auto
repair etc) (on lines of “Kushal Bharat Abhiyaan”)
* Regular Medical Checkups (on lines of “Swastha Bachpan” Program)
* Teaching Electronic Gadgets (on lines of “Digital Connect India Program”)

B. OUR SCHEDULE:- Every Sunday, our timetable is:

*930-1030AM : Munirka-I, Munirka-II, & IIT flyover, and Noida (all parallel sessions)

*11-12PM: Safdarjung-I, Safadarjung-II, Nizamuddin Park, Nizamuddin Flyover and Okhla sessions (parallel sessions)

*12:30-1PM: lunch of volunteers at near GK & Okhla

*2-4PM: “Extended” sessions at Prajapati mohalla, Tughlaqabad village & Sangam vihar and Faridabad (all parallel sessions)

(For exact Google locations of sites, pls visit our website )


(All Donors to Blue Pen Charitable Trust are entitled to Claim rebate from Income Tax vide U/Section 80 G of the I.T Act.,1961)